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Lana Del Rey Quotes

In the end, I find my influences or inspirations where I can.

My intention was never to transform into a different person. What other people think of me is none of my business.

I haven’t had anything done at all… I’m quite pouty. That’s just how I look when I sing.

My motto is the same just like what other people think of me is none of my business. I’m used to people saying whatever they want.

I only know how to do me, so that’s just what I’m going to do.

I have everything I want. I really can’t think of any ambitions or things to strive for.

I have a personal ambition to live my life honestly and honor the true love that I’ve had and also the people I’ve had around me.

I want to stay hopeful, even though I get scared about why we’re even alive at all.

I write my own songs. I made my own videos. I pick my producers. Nothing goes out without my permission. It’s all authentic.

I never stopped writing about what was actually going on in my life. There’s nothing to hide.

I personally liked my performance. I like what I do. I like how I sing. I’m just a little bit freaky.

And I really have done everything that I said I did do. The rest is just a story that somebody else made up.

I love to write and play songs, but onstage, all these things come into play. I’m always saying to myself, don’t mess up. Don’t mess up.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.

Do you know how expensive it is to look this cheap?

It’s nice to be able to try and build the life you want for yourself.

Not many people say let’s start life over and do it again the way I want to.

I believe that there is no doubts about who I am, an artist who loves music, above everything.

I pretend I’m not hurt, I walk about the world like I’m having fun.

No money, no place to live – I’ve been in more dangerous situations than other people.

I mainly let my imagination be my reality. Fantasy is my reality.

I know what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. I write about what I know, and I know about putting on a show.

Taking time for your art is taking time for yourself, isn’t it?

I don’t like live television, the only tip I have is just pray.

My vision is complete. My life is fucking me.

I’m the gangsta Nancy Sinatra.

I’m a psycho.

I found it hard to make friends in school, because I was a cerebral person.

When I found somebody who I fell in love with, it made me feel different than I felt the rest of the day. It was electrifying.

I want to stay hopeful, even though I get scared about why we’re even alive at all.

I had a vision of making my life a work of art and I was looking for people who also felt that way.

Homeless outreach, drug and alcohol rehabilitation – that’s been my life for the past five years.

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